Thursday, March 2, 2017

Song to Bob

I'm reaching and reading all that I can
Sometimes I'm just learning to stand
And that sometimes there are mountains of blues
And sometimes not one's worth for to use

Hey hey Bob Dylan I'm writing you a song
One that'll probably ramble too long
Seems there ain't enough songs these days
That are saying all that's worth to say

Hey hey Bob Dylan I know that you know
All that I'm saying and many a-times more
I'm a-singing you the song but I can't sing enough
Cause there's not many folks that've done the things you've done

I'm a-hearing the sung-out echoes
And all the ones the sun still has chose
I'm a hearing them and hearing them again
Seems like they're still a-goin and blowin in the wind

I got nowhere to go and nowhere to stay
Bob, you know what I'd least like to say
So I'll just give my thanks to you
And hope I won't hope to only be you

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