Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Bus Driver, Oh Bus Driver

Bus Driver, oh Bus Driver,
Will you let me have a ride
Need just another dime
Bus Driver, oh Bus Driver
Will you just let it slide
Hour's become an unsafe time
Bus Driver, oh Bus Driver

The name's Patrick O'Williams
Today's a day I was young
Played with the whores and the bums
Played down and out on the run
Played around with my gun
Had myself some fun
But these days are done
My bat's been swung

Bus Driver, oh Bus Driver,
Will you let me have a ride
I only need a dime
Bus Driver, oh Bus Driver
Will you please just let it slide
Clock's hand show an unsafe time
Bus Driver, oh Bus Driver

So....this is unfinished but I like what I have so far enough to post it.

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