Monday, January 23, 2017


Hi folks, one and all

This post is being hastily written at 9:12 AM and this author really should have had a cup of coffee by now. The dog is sitting on my lap, uninvited, trying to scratch the fleas off of his fur (it's not working) and every few minutes licks my face. There are three different notebooks on the desk in front of me, each of them to probably be filled only to a quarter of their page capacity before being lost. There's a mist on the window, which is nice. The walls of the room are empty for the most, save for one Star Wars poster that's mostly blocked by a somewhat misplaced dresser.

It's now 9:16 AM and the dog is scratching my face. He's trying to tell me he wants to go on a walk. My dad took him on a walk when he got home from work and my stepmom took him on one when she left for work. School's a little over an hour away and now he wants me to give him a walk. Just as well. So, this post is terminado, I'm afraid to say.

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